all postcodes in TF10 / NEWPORT

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF10 9AA 0 52.762821 -2.407562
TF10 9AB 0 52.751063 -2.417764
TF10 9AD 0 52.750404 -2.422218
TF10 9AE 0 52.747094 -2.420246
TF10 9AF 0 52.743719 -2.413681
TF10 9AG 0 52.743348 -2.403767
TF10 9AJ 0 52.750234 -2.367904
TF10 9AN 0 52.742881 -2.373619
TF10 9AP 1 52.73216 -2.375142
TF10 9AQ 0 52.75088 -2.388029
TF10 9AR 1 52.733836 -2.364477
TF10 9AS 5 52.728253 -2.374012
TF10 9AT 8 52.72799 -2.37207
TF10 9AU 1 52.744727 -2.363888
TF10 9AW 0 52.738344 -2.371831
TF10 9AX 0 52.745839 -2.355957
TF10 9AZ 0 52.746048 -2.350921
TF10 9BA 2 52.747293 -2.341466
TF10 9BB 1 52.738613 -2.320588
TF10 9BD 0 52.735943 -2.335925